The IBM SPSS software is available at the following links.

Once the file has completed downloading, please follow the instructions on this page. SPSS Inc., an IBM Company Shareware Windows Mac. Please download the zip files containing IBM SPSS software into a directory/folder of your choice - remember where you saved the file.

Upgrade to IBM SPSS 29 for the new license. The new 2023 license update is now available below. SPSS - Download Business software General SPSS SPSS Advanced statistical analysis software used for research 6. Our SPSS License expires at the beginning of January every year. Download IBM SPSS Statistics Base 22.0 IBM 143 3.6 M Statistics software for all your business needs Advertisement Download 746. SPSS is a trialware that you can use to record and then analyze. The SPSS Statistics licence at UQ is centrally funded and renewed each year on 31 October.IBM SPSS is a statistical software package offered by IBM. SPSS latest version: Statistical analysis tool for data.

Non-commercial academic research for the purpose of this licensing agreement means HDR students and faculty members undertaking research where: SPSS Statistics can be used at UQ on UQ-owned computers for teaching and non-commercial academic research. IBM SPSS Statistics (also known as SPSS) is an analytical software for advanced statistical analysis of business data, covering all tasks from planning and data. HDR students can submit an IT request for access to SPSS.If it isn't, your course coordinator can submit an IT request for all students in the course. Coursework students should check Blackboard to see if SPSS is available for their course.Students: SPSS is available in the Digital Workspace.Staff home licenses are limited in number and must be re-requested annually from UQ Software Licensing. Staff: Staff can use SPSS Statistics on one privately owned computer at their primary place of residence for UQ-related teaching and non-commercial research (see Conditions of use for more detail) using a home licence.If you are off-campus, connect to the VPN first to get the network licence.